Monday, August 10, 2009

Working at Height



Fall protection practices, procedures and equipment for live performance venues are specified in both the Regulations for Industrial Establishments and Construction Projects, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

I Risk Assessment

1. A competent person should assess the risks associated with any job task and shall identify, and control or eliminate any fall hazards.

2. The best option for eliminating a fall hazard is a guardrail system. A worker shall be adequately protected by a guardrail system that meets the requirements of Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26(1), 8.(3 -8).

3. When the fall hazard cannot be eliminated, then the hazard shall be controlled by using a fall protection system in accordance with the Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26., 128., through 149.

II Hazard Recognition

Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26(1) to (9) apply where a worker is exposed to any of the following fall hazards:

• a height of more than 3 metres (approx. 10 feet);
• into operating machinery;
• into water or another liquid;
• into or onto a hazardous substance or object;
• though an opening in a work surface.

III Training

1. Construction Projects O.Reg. 231/91, s. 26(2) states: "An employer shall ensure that a worker who may use a Fall Protection System is adequately trained in its use and given adequate oral and written instructions by a competent person."

2. All production employers shall ensure that:

• training records are kept, including participants' names and training dates; Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26(2)
• the training records are available to Ministry of Labour inspectors on request. Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26(2)(4)

IV Rescue Plan

1. According to Construction Project O.Reg. 213/91, s.(1),17(2)(3), a written rescue plan must be in place when a fall arrest system is used, and should be in place whenever a fall protection system is used. The plan must be posted in a conspicuous place.


Aerial or elevating work platforms: Hydraulic or electrical controlled devices used to elevate personnel or materials. These include: scissor lifts, articulated boom lifts, individual personnel lifts, self-propelled lifts, manual "push-around" lifts, elevating rolling work platforms, self-propelled elevating work platforms, boom-type elevating work platforms, and vehicle-mounted aerial devices.

Authorized: Certified by a professional engineer.

Anchorage: Certified point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards or deceleration devices.

Connector: A self-closing device used to connect various parts of personal fall arrest or work-positioning systems.

Fall protection: A method of minimizing the possibility of falling.

Fall arrest: A method of minimizing the effects of a fall.

Fall restricting: A work positioning system used to minimize the distance of a fall to 2 feet (60 cm.).

Full body harness: A manufactured system of webbing secured about the worker in a manner that will distribute the fall arrest forces equally over the thighs, pelvis, waist, chest and shoulders with a means of attaching it to other components of a personal fall arrest system.

Guardrail system: A temporary or permanent barrier erected to prevent employees from falling to lower levels.

Lanyard: Flexible line of rope, wire rope, or strap which generally has a connector at each end for connecting the body belt or body harness to a deceleration device, lifeline, or anchorage.

Lifeline: A flexible line for connection to an anchorage at one end to suspend vertically (vertical lifeline), or for connection to anchorages at both ends to stretch horizontally (horizontal lifeline), and which serves as a means for connecting other components of a personal fall arrest system to the anchorage.

Lifts: Aerial or elevating work platforms.

Overclimbing: Climbing above a primary anchor point.

Personal fall arrest system: System used to arrest a worker in a fall from an elevation. It consists of an anchorage, connectors and full-body harness, and may include a lanyard, deceleration device and/or lifeline.

Rope grab: Deceleration device which travels on a lifeline and automatically, by friction, engages the lifeline and locks to arrest the fall of a worker.

Rolling A-Frame Ladders: An A-Frame ladder positively attached to a dolly board. The locking castor wheels are to be outside the profile of the ladder. Fall Arrest should be used if working beyond the ladder profile.

Self-propelled elevating work platforms; Self-propelled platforms; Scissor lifts: A portable work station which is moved along the floor/ground/deck by mechanical means.

Self-retracting lifeline/lanyard: A deceleration device that automatically adjusts its length under mild tension and arrests a fall.

Travel restraint: A system that prevents workers from reaching an unprotected edge or opening.

Work positioning systems: Aerial or elevating work platforms, ladders, boatswain's chairs, and scaffolding.

Fall Protection

1. A worker shall be adequately protected by a guardrail system. Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s.26(1) If it is not reasonably possible to install guardrails, use an alternative fall protection system.

• Safety net
• Travel Restraint system
• Fall Arrest System

2. The following components must be designed, engineered and rated by the manufacturer in accordance with CSA standards (or equivalent):

• Connecting Components CAN/CSA Z259.12-01
• Lanyards CAN/CSA/Z259.1-95
• Harnesses CAN/CSA/Z259.10-M90

Passive Systems

1. Guardrails & Handrails: Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26.3(1) states "A guardrail system that meets the requirements of this section shall be used if a worker has access to the perimeter or an open side of any of the following work surfaces and is exposed to a fall of 2.4 metres or more:

a) A floor, including the floor of a mezzanine or balcony.
b) A scaffold platform or other work platform, runway or ramp. O.Reg. 213/91, s. 129(3).
2. Safety Net: A safety net shall be designed, tested and approved by an engineer and installed by a competent person. The approval shall be documented and available at the location. Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26.8 (1 - 5)

Travel Restraint

Travel restraint is a system which prevents a worker from physically reaching the fall hazard, thereby effectively eliminating the hazard. Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26.4 (1-4)

Fall Arrest Systems

A Personal Fall Arrest System - PFAS includes a full body harness, connector, lifeline, and certified anchorage components.


All anchorage components should be inspected before each use.

For wire rope assemblies, synthetic slings or other components, refer to the manufacturer's installation recommendations.

1. Permanent Anchor Points

A permanent anchor system used as the fixed support in a fall arrest system, fall restricting system or travel restraint system must adhere to the Building Code. Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26.7(1) or CAN/CSA Z259.16-04

2. Temporary Anchor Points

a) Minimum certified anchorage requirements are outlined in Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91 section 26.7 (2)(1.-5.) for:

• travel restraint
• fall arrest
• fall restricting

b) An anchor point should be independent of the supporting or suspension system of the worker.

c) Anchorage used for vertical fall arrest should be located directly above the work area.

Vertical Lifelines

1. Vertical Lifelines - VLL are the most frequently used devices for vertical access or ladder protection in our industry. see Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 26.9(1.-7.)

Two typical examples are:

• 5/8" diameter three-strand or kernmantle - synthetic fibre rope, with compatible rope grab.
• 3/16" diameter Self-Retracting Lifeline - SRL Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) wire rope, with fall-indicating snaphook.

2. Vertical lifelines should be suspended separately from any work position or platform system, unless authorized by an engineer.

3. Primary anchorage to a commercial lighting truss system is not recommended for any vertical lifeline system, unless authorized by an engineer.

4. Over-climbing a self-retracting lifeline anchor point is not recommended by any manufacturer.

5. An energy-absorbing lanyard should not be used in combination with a self-retracting lifeline, unless the lifeline manufacturer specifically includes one for use within the system.

6. A self-retracting lifeline should be attached directly to the dorsal D-ring on a full-body harness. A sternal D-ring connection may be allowed in some applications for vertical ladder climbing only.

7. Synthetic lifelines should not be used in direct proximity to pyrotechnics or high-heat luminaires.

8. A self-retracting lifeline should not be stored in an extended position unless permitted by the manufacturer.

Horizontal Lifelines

1. Horizontal Lifelines (HLL) installations include rigging grids and lighting systems. Two typical examples of manufactured systems are:

• 5/8" diameter (three-strand or kernmantle) synthetic fibre rope, with energy absorber, tensioning device and connecting O-rings.
• 3/8" diameter IWRC (independent wire rope core) wire rope, with energy absorber and tensioning device.

2. Minimum anchorage requirements and vector force calculations vary by manufacturer. The interpretation of these calculations shall be made by a professional engineer. Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, 26.9, s. 8.(1.-6.).

3. Snaphooks must be connected to the supplied O-ring on a synthetic horizontal lifeline.
4. Commercially available horizontal lifelines should always be used as directed by the manufacturer.
5. The number of workers using a horizontal lifeline system should not exceed the manufacturer's specifications.
6. Synthetic lifelines should not be used in direct proximity to pyrotechnics or high-heat luminaires.

Work Positioning and Access Systems

Fall hazards may be avoided or reduced by using a work positioning system in accordance with the Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, section 128. through 149.

Anyone working on an elevated work positioning system shall be trained by a competent person.


Scaffolding must be erected in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Regulations for scaffolding can be found in Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s.125. through 149.

1. An external anchor point should be used when errecting scaffolding. Ladders

Refer to Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 78. - 84.

1. Select the proper ladder for the intended task.

2. Inspect all ladders prior to every use to ensure structural integrity. Damaged or defective ladders should be removed from service.

3. Use ladders on firm, level surfaces. Stabilize the base of the ladder to prevent slipping and/or moving. Ensure ground surfaces, rungs and steps are clear of slippery substances.

4. Keep the base of the ladder clear for access and for traffic control. When necessary, use cones, tape, or a spotter to secure high traffic areas. Industrial Establishments O.Reg 851, s. 73.(a) -(e).

5. Do not leave tools or materials on top of any ladder. Ensure personal tools are secure when climbing ladders.

6. Straight or extension ladders must be installed on a 3:1 or 4:1 slope, e.g. one (1) foot out at the base, for every four (4) feet up.
7. When working above 3 meters (10 ft), secure the ladder. The top of a straight or extension ladder should be secured to an independent anchorage to prevent lateral movement.

8. Independent fall arrest is necessary when using a ladder as a work station above 3 meters (i.e. not when using a ladder to access another level or rolling A-frame ladders).

9. Always face the ladder when climbing up or down. Always maintain 3-point contact and avoid reaching beyond the side-rails of the ladder.

10. Follow the manufacturers' recommendations to determine which rungs of the ladder are appropriate to work from.

11. Ladders made of non-conductive material should be used while working around energized wiring and equipment.

12. When working in outdoor conditions extra safety measures must be taken.

13. Never use ladders horizontally as scaffold planks or runways, unless they have been designed for that purpose.

Elevating Work Platforms

1. All personnel shall be trained in the safe operation of any elevating work platform prior to use. Construction Projects O. Reg. 213/91 s. 147.(1) -(2).

2. An elevating work platform shall only be used if it complies with the National Standards of Canada Construction Projects O. Reg. 213/91, s. 144.(1)(a).

3. A travel restraint system with a full body harness must be worn at all times and attached to the engineered anchor point on the platform. Construction Projects O. Reg. 213/91, s.148(e). Please see Guideline 14.

4. An elevated work platform should only be operated on a strong, stable, horizontal and level surface unless permitted by the manufacturer (refer to operators manual).

5. Do not modify an elevated work platform in any way unless permitted by manufacturer and certified by an engineer. This includes adding planks or ladders to an elevated work platform to gain additional height.

6. Do not modify elevated work platform to override safety features.

7. Never exceed the manufacturer's rated capacity of an elevated work platform.

8. A communication system and a rescue plan must be in place before a worker goes to height.

9. The worker going to height should always control the elevated work platform. No ground-operated controls shall be engaged without the permission of the worker at height, except in an emergency.

10. Elevated platforms should not be anchored or attached to a permanent structure while working at height.

11. An elevated work platform should not be used as a crane unless specifically designed for that use.

12. A forklift should not be used as an elevating work platform unless designed and permitted by manufacturer or approved by professional engineer (see #2).

Boatswain's chair

1. Boatswain's chairs should be CSA approved.

2. Follow the Construction Regulations Construction Projects O.Reg 213/.91, s. 137 or Window Cleaning Regulations O.Reg. 523/92, before using a boatswain's chair.

3. Every part of a hoisting and rigging system shall be capable of supporting at least 10 times the maximum load to which the part is likely to be subjected. Construction Projects O.Reg 213/.91, s. 137(8)

4. Workers in a boatswain's chair shall wear a full body harness connected to a separate fall arrest system. Construction Projects O.Reg 213/.91 s. 141(1)


Guidelines for lifting people with cranes can be found in Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91, s. 153(2).

Rescue Plan

According to Construction Projects O.Reg. 213/91 section 17 (1)(2)(3), a written rescue plan must be in place when a fall arrest system is being used, and should be in place whenever personnel are working at height. This plan must be posted in a conspicuous place and communicated to all workers before work begins.

A rescue plan should include:

1. The designated trained person(s) in charge of rescue.
2. Qualified on-site first aid personnel (with contact numbers) and equipment as per Ontario Bill1101.
3. Names and contact phone numbers of Emergency Medical Services - EMS or fire services resources in the jurisdiction.
4. Emergency access to worksite.
5. A back-up system of communications.
6. All rescue or emergency control procedures for any mechanical hoisting systems or elevating devices being used in the workplace.
7. Annual review and rehearsal of rescue procedures.
8. Procedures to lock-out and secure activated safety devices and unsafe work areas.

Equipment Inspection Maintenance and Storage

1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for equipment, including documentation, inspection schedule, maintenance, and storage. It is the duty of the owner and/or employer to ensure all equipment is inspected and maintained by a competent person The worker shall inspect all equipment before each use. Construction Projects O. Reg. 231-91, s.26.6(6).

2. Follow the manufacturer's warnings about retirement schedules. Replace items, even if unused, according to the manufacturer's recommended retirement scheduling.

3. If the integrity of any fall protection equipment is in doubt, it shall be retired from service permanently or repaired and re-certified by the manufacturer.

4. Check with the manufacturer's instructions before using any cleansers, markers, paint, stickers on synthetic materials or hardware.

5. Store fall protection equipment to avoid moisture, abrasion, dirt, ultraviolet light, extreme temperatures and other hazards. Use appropriate containers to store equipment.

Appendix (useful terms)

Deceleration device: Any mechanism, such as a rope grab, rip-stop lanyard, integral lanyard, tearing or deforming lanyards, automatic self-retracting lifelines/lanyards, etc., which serves to dissipate a substantial amount of kinetic energy during a fall, and thus limit the arrest force.

Deceleration distance: The distance between the location of a worker's full body harness attachment point at the moment of activation of the deceleration device during a fall, and the location of that attachment point after the worker comes to a full stop.

Free fall: The act of falling before a personal fall arrest system begins to activate.

Free fall distance: The vertical distance between the onset of the fall to the point where the fall arrest system begins to apply force to arrest the fall.

Lower levels: Areas or surfaces to which a worker can fall. Such areas or surfaces include, but are not limited to, ground levels, floors, platforms, ramps, runways, orchestra pits, traps, water, equipment, structures, or portions thereof.

Opening: Gap or void 30 inches (76 cm) or more high and 18 inches (48 cm) or more wide, in a wall or partition, through which employees can fall to a lower level.

Snaphook: Connector comprised of a hook-shaped member with a self-closing keeper, or similar arrangement, which may be opened to permit the hook to receive an object and, when released, automatically closes to retain the object.

Toeboard: Low protective barrier that is an integral part of a guardrail system and will prevent the fall of materials or equipment to lower levels.

Unprotected sides and edges: Any side or edge (except points of access) of a walking/working surface, e.g., floor, roof, ramp, or runway where there is no wall or guardrail system at least 36 inches (0.9 m) high.

Walking/working surface: Any surface, whether horizontal or vertical on which a worker walks or works, such as floors, roofs, ramps, bridges, runways, but not including ladders.

Warning line system: Temporary demarcation erected to warn workers that they are approaching an unprotected edge. This shall outline an area at least 2 metres from a fall hazard in which work may take place without the use of guardrail or safety net systems to protect workers in the area. (May also be referred to as a "bump line".)

Work positioning device system: Full-body harness system rigged to allow a worker to be supported on an elevated surface and work with both hands.


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