Saturday, September 12, 2009


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Preventing Heat Stress

Preventing Heat Stress

How to prevent Heat Stress?

• Keeping Cool In The Heat
• Adapt To The Heat
• Drink Water Frequently
• Wear Personal Protective Equipment
• Use Engineering Control
• Keep Cool

Keeping Cool In The Heat

Excess heat can place an abnormal stress on your body. When your body temperature rises even a few degrees above normal (which is about 98.6), you can experience muscle cramps, become weak, disoriented, and dangerously ill unless you can help your body to cool down. If your body temperature rises above 105 degrees, your condition can be fatal. Persons who work in hot environments--foundries, kitchens, laundries, and the like--must take special care against heat stress. The following guidelines can help you keep your cool in the heat and avoid the dangerous consequences of heat stress.

Adapt To The Heat

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) suggests that all workers exposed to extreme heat gradually get used to their environment over a one week period. This means that on your first day in a hot environment, you may only be able to do half the work that a fully-adapted worker would do. Each day, your workload increases slightly until you are able to operate at "full steam."

Drink Water Frequently

Sweating is one of the ways your body cools itself down. Sweating results in water loss, and the only way to replace the loss (and help your body continue to cool itself) is to drink water frequently. Ideally, you should drink at least 8 ounces of water every 20-30 minutes while working in hot environments.

Wear Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for hot environments can range from ordinary work clothes made from "breathable" fabrics to specially designed suits that are cooled by air, ice, and even portable air-conditioners. Check with your supervisor about the appropriate PPE for your specific task.

Use Engineering Controls

Your employer may also provide engineering controls such as fans, ventilators, exhaust systems, and air-coolant or conditioning systems. These controls can help reduce worksite temperatures to more adaptable levels. Other controls such as using heat shields and insulating heat-producing machinery can also help lower the environmental temperature.

Keep Cool

Persons who work in hot environments should become familiar with first aid techniques for heat stress. If you or someone you know suffers from heat exhaustion, cramps, or other signs of heat stress, get medical attention immediately. Keep your cool--heat stress is dangerous, but it's also preventable Heat Stress Heat Stress

Heat Stress

The Legal Requirements:

Employers have a duty under section 25(2)(h) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker. This includes developing hot environment policies and procedures to protect workers in hot environments due to hot processes or hot weather.

For compliance purposes, the Ministry of Labour recommends the Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for Heat Stress and Heat Strain published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). These values are based on preventing unacclimatized workers' core temperatures from rising above 38°C.

What Is Heat Stress?

Working or playing where it is hot puts stress on your body's cooling system. When heat is combined with other stresses such as hard physical work, loss of fluids, fatigue or some medical conditions, it may lead to heat–related illness, disability and even death.
This can happen to anybody—even the young and fit. In Ontario, heat stress is usually a concern during the summer. This is especially true early in the season, when people are not used to the heat.
Heat exposure may occur in many workplaces. Furnaces, bakeries, smelters, foundries and heavy equipment are significant sources of heat inside workplaces. For outdoor workers, direct sunlight is usually the main source of heat. In mines, geothermal gradients and equipment contribute to heat exposure. Humidity in workplaces also contributes to heat stress.

How We Cope With Heat

Your body is always generating heat and passing it to the environment. The harder your body is working, the more heat it has to lose. When the environment is hot or humid or has a source of radiant heat (for example, a furnace or the sun), your body must work harder to get rid of its heat.
If the air is moving (for example, from fans) and it is cooler than your body, it is easier for your body to pass heat to the environment.
Workers on medications or with pre–existing medical conditions may be more susceptible to heat stress. These workers should speak to their personal physicians about work in hot environments.

Controlling Heat Stress


The longer you work in a hot environment, the better your body becomes at adjusting to the heat. This is called “acclimatization”. If you are ill or away from work for a week or so you can lose your acclimatization.
To become acclimatized, the following may be considered:
1. If you are experienced on the job, limit your time in hot working conditions to 50 per cent of the shift on the first day, 60 per cent of the shift on the second day, and 80 per cent of the shift on the third day. You can work a full shift the fourth day.

If you are not experienced on the job (if you are, for example, a new employee), you should start off spending 20 per cent of the time in hot working conditions on the first day and increase your time by 20 per cent each subsequent day.
2. Instead of reducing the exposure times to the job in a hot environment, you can become acclimatized by gradually increasing the physical demands of the job over a week or two.
When there is a potential exposure to heat stress, control measures must be taken to prevent heat exposure in the workplace. These include engineering controls, administrative controls and protective clothing. Selection of appropriate workplace controls will vary, depending on the type of workplace and other factors. Some measures may include:

Engineering Controls

 Reduce physical demands of work task through mechanical assistance (hoists, lift–tables, etc.).
 Control the heat at its source through the use of insulating and reflective barriers (e.g. insulate furnace walls).
 Exhaust hot air and steam produced by operations.
 Reduce the temperature and humidity through air cooling.
 Provide cool, shaded work areas.
 Provide air–conditioned rest areas.
 Increase air movement if temperature is less than 35°C (e.g. use of fans).

Administrative Controls

 The employer should assess the demands of all jobs and have monitoring and control strategies in place for hot days and hot workplaces.
 Increase the frequency and length of rest breaks.
 Schedule strenuous jobs to cooler times of the day.
 Provide cool drinking water near workers and remind them to drink a cup about every 20 minutes.
 Caution workers to avoid direct sunlight.
 Assign additional workers or slow down the pace of work.
 Make sure everyone is properly acclimatized.
 Train workers to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat stress and start a "buddy system" since people are not likely to notice their own symptoms.
 Pregnant workers and workers with a medical condition should discuss working in the heat with their physicians.
 First Aid responders and an emergency response plan should be in place in the event of a heat related illness.
 Investigate any heat–related incidents.

Personal Protective Equipment

 Light summer clothing should be worn to allow free air movement and sweat evaporation.
 Outdoors, wear light–coloured clothing.
 In a high radiant heat situation, reflective clothing may help.
 For very hot environments, air, water or ice–cooled insulated clothing should be considered.
 Vapour barrier clothing, such as chemical protective clothing, greatly increases the amount of heat stress on the body, and extra caution is necessary such as heat strain (physiological) monitoring.

Managing Heat Stress from Process Heat

For an environment that is hot primarily due to process heat (furnaces, bakeries, smelters, etc.), the employer should follow the guidance of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) as outlined in its booklet and documentation for the recommended Threshold Limit Value (TLVs), and set up a heat stress control plan in consultation with the workplace's joint health and safety committee or worker health and safety representative.

Blog DR LO'LO'

Blog DR LO'LO'

Monday, September 7, 2009

1 Malaysia

Konsep Satu Malaysia ini bererti bahawa kita berdiri, kita berfikir dan bertindak sebagai bangsa Malaysia dan Melayu Boleh.Dan kita mengambil tindakan-tindakan berdasarkan kehendak semua kumpulan etnik dalam negara kita tidak kira Melayu,cina,india atau Melayu Boleh.

Semua rakyat Malaysia perlu menganggap diri mereka adalah bangsa Malaysia Melayu Boleh berfikir dan bertindak dalam satu nada dan satu matlamat. Ciri-ciri demografi seperti negeri, daerah, kaum, agama dan budaya wajar dihindari bagi menwujudkan satu bangsa Malaysia yang berfikiran terbuka serta ingin memajukan negara secara bersama.

Satu Malaysia juga tidak mengenepikan dasar afirmatif, dasar untuk menolong kaum bumiputera Melayu Boleh asalkan dasar itu dilaksanakan dengan cara yang adil dan memberi pertimbangan kepada golongan bumiputera yang layak mendapat sesuatu pertimbangan daripada kerajaan.
Pemimpin menepati apa yang diharapkan rakyat.

Satu Malaysia juga menggariskan empat perkara. Integriti, kebolehan, kesetiaan dan kesungguhan. Kabinet perlu berteraskan kepada Kabinet yang dekat di hati rakyat, mesra rakyat, sanggup turun padang menyingsing lengan dan melakukan perkara yang boleh mengukuhkan lagi kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat terhadap kerajaan Melayu Boleh.

ia juga menyebut tentang pencapaian yang diharapkan oleh rakyat bahawasanya rakyat tidak mahu mendengar sesuatu yang kita janjikan atau sesuatu diumumkan. Rakyat mengharapkan pelaksanaan secepat mungkin.

Semua menteri akan dinilai prestasi masing-masing dalam tempoh enam bulan.Telah tetapkan pada bulan November nanti akan lakukan proses penilaian atas prestasi dan pencapaian setiap menteri dan kementerian.

Perpaduan kaum yang sedia terjalin antara kaum di negara ini perlu diperkukuhkan lagi dengan menganggap kita adalah rakyat Malaysia dan bangsa Malaysia. Keadaan ini akan dapat menwujudkan suasana negara yang aman, harmoni, selesa, keselamatan yang terjamin dan memberi kemakmuran kepada negara. Rakyat perlu memahami bahawa negara yang mempunyai kestabilan politik dan keselamatan yang terjamin akan memberi perkembangan ekonomi yang pesat. Oleh itu rakyat akan dapat menikmati limpahan daripada kerancakan ekonomi negara Malaysia Melayu Boleh.

Thursday, September 3, 2009 Falling Object Falling Object

Falling Object


Welding, cutting, and associated processes often take place in areas where failing objects may be present. Failing objects may seriously injure or kill. Failing objects are common problems on construction and demolition sites of all kinds, from buildings to bridges, and are also often a problem during maintenance work.

• Wear approved head and foot protection.
• Be alert and aware of your total work environment and any possible overhead objects before you start working.
• Place a safety net or equivalent below overhead work.
• Follow safe work practices when working below overhead activities.
• Notify others of overhead work and any changing job conditions.
• Remember, a welding helmet or goggles restricts vision and may prevent taking the action necessary to avoid falling objects.
• Post areas where failing objects are a hazard.

• Be certain that material being welded or cut is secured from failing.
• Do not permit loose objects near the edge 19 of overhead structures.
• Cover floor and wall openings.
• Use toe boards with guardrails.
• Do not kick, throw, or push anything off overhead structures this includes electrode stubs and scrap metal.
• Do not create failing objects for others—be alert to all your actions.


1. Work planning, work authorization, and work execution deficiencies were causal factors in most of these events.
2. Job Hazard analyses often did not address the potential for falling objects.
3. Work planners did not specify that areas below the elevated work should be cleared and roped off to protect personnel from falling objects.
4. Ground-workers became complacent about yellow boundary tape and crossed the boundary to perform work.
5. When elevated work is performed, the elevated workers have the primary responsibility for safety.

Recommended Action

1. Ensure a comprehensive job hazards analysis is performed and documented when planning construction, repair, and D&D activities with elevated work areas. Emphasis should be placed on the control of falling objects and avoidance of working below other work activities.
2. Adequately secure the area below elevated work. Install barricades and post warning signs, and require all personnel to remain clear of the hazard area to protect against falling objects.
3. Review reroofing projects to determine if the building residents’ access should be restricted.
4. Wear hardhats when working in areas where falling object hazards are likely to occur.
5. Maintain control of tools and materials when working at an elevation. Use wrist straps and tool tethers, toeboards, screens, and guardrails to prevent falling objects, and debris netting or canopies to catch falling objects.
6. Adequately secure equipment/tools before raising or lowering.
7. Obey posted warning signs and all boundary tape and/or barriers.
8. Remove debris and remove/secure tools from the scaffold at the end of the shift.
9. Ensure toeboards are installed on scaffolds. Personel Protectives Equipment (PPE) Personel Protectives Equipment (PPE)

Personel Protectives Equipment (PPE)

What is personal protective equipment?

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is designed to protect employees from serious workplace injuries or illnesses resulting from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Besides face shields, safety glasses, hard hats, and safety shoes, PPE includes a variety of devices and garments such as goggles, coveralls, gloves, vests, earplugs, and respirators.

What are your responsibilities as an employer?

OSHA’s primary PPE standards are in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1910 Subpart I, and equivalent regulations in states with OSHA-approved state plans, but you can find PPE requirements elsewhere in the General Industry Standards. For example, 29 CFR 1910.156, OSHA’s Fire Brigades Standard, has requirements for firefighting gear. In addition, 29 CFR 1926.95-106 covers the construction industry. OSHA’s general PPE requirements mandate that employers conduct a hazard assessment of their workplaces to determine what hazards are present that require the use of PPE, provide workers with appropriate PPE, and require them to use and maintain it in sanitary and reliable condition. Using PPE is often essential, but it is generally the last line of defense after engineering controls, work practices, and administrative controls. Engineering controls involve physically changing a machine or work environment. Administrative controls involve changing how or when employees do their jobs, such as scheduling work and rotating employees to reduce exposures. Work practices involve training workers how to perform tasks in ways that reduce their exposure to workplace hazards. As an employer, you must assess your workplace to determine if hazards are present that require the use of PPE. If such hazards are present, you must select PPE and require employees to use it, communicate your PPE selection decisions to your employees, and select PPE that properly fits your workers.

You must also train employees who are required to wear PPE on how do the following:
i. Use PPE properly,
ii. Be aware of when PPE is necessary,
iii. Know what kind of PPE is necessary,
iv. Understand the limitations of PPE in protecting employees from injury,
v. Don, adjust, wear, and doff PPE, and
vi. Maintain PPE properly.

Can PPE protect workers from head injuries?

Yes. Hard hats can protect your employees from head impact, penetration injuries, and electrical injuries such as those caused by falling or flying objects, fixed objects, or contact with electrical conductors. Also, OSHA regulations require employers to ensure that workers cover and protect long hair to prevent it from getting caught in machine parts such as belts and chains.

How can PPE protect workers from foot and leg injuries?

In addition to foot guards and safety shoes, leggings (e.g., leather, aluminized rayon, or other appropriate material) can help prevent injuries by protecting employees from hazards such as falling or rolling objects, sharp objects, wet and slippery surfaces, molten metals, hot surfaces, and electrical hazards.

What can PPE do to protect workers from hearing loss?

Wearing earplugs or earmuffs can help prevent damage to hearing. Exposure to high noise levels can cause irreversible hearing loss or impairment as well as physical and psychological stress. Earplugs made from foam, waxed cotton, or fiberglass wool are self-forming and usually fit well. A professional should fit your employees individually for molded or preformed earplugs. Clean earplugs regularly, and replace those you cannot clean.

Should workers wear PPE to help prevent hand injuries?

Yes. Workers exposed to harmful substances through skin absorption, severe cuts or lacerations, severe abrasions, chemical burns, thermal burns, and harmful temperature extremes will benefit from hand protection.

When should workers wear PPE for respiratory protection?

When engineering controls are not feasible, workers must use appropriate respirators to protect against adverse health effects caused by breathing air contaminated with harmful dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smokes, sprays, or vapors. Respirators generally cover the nose an mouth or the entire face or head and help prevent illness and injury. A proper fit is essential, however, for respirators to be effective. All employees required to wear respirators must first undergo medical evaluation.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ramadhan Datang Lagi

Ramadhan Datang Lagi

Malam Lailatul Qadar

Malam Lailatul Qadar

Lailatul Qadar merupakan satu malam yang mempunyai kelebihan lebih seribu bulan yang
lain. Ini dapat kita lihat daripada apa yang telah dinukilkan oleh Allah di dalam al-Quran dalam surah al-Qadar. Begitu juga dengan apa yang telah diberitahukan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W dalam beberapa hadis yang sohih. Kita disuruh untuk menghidupkan malam lailatul qadar dan tidak membiarkannya berlalu begitu saja. Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda dalam hadis muttafaq 'alaih daripada Abu Hurairah yang artinya : Sesiapa yang menghidupkan malam lailatul qadar penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan akan diampun baginya dosa yang telah lalu.

Menurut imam Fakhrurrazi bahwa Allah menyembunyikan malam lailatul qadar dari pengetahuan kita sebagaimana Dia menyembunyikan segala sesuatu yang lain. Dia menyembunyikan keredhaanNya pada setiap ketaatan sehingga timbul dalam diri kita keinginan untuk melakukan semua ketaatan atau ibadat itu. Begitu juga Dia menyembunyikan kemurkaanNya pada setiap perkara maksiat agar kita berhati-hati dan menjauhi segala maksiat dan tidak memilih antara dosa besar dan kecil untuk melakukannya kerana dosa kecil jika terus dilakukan secara berterusan akan menjadi dosa besar jika kita tidak bertaubat dan berusaha meninggalkannya. Dia menyembunyikan wali-waliNya agar manusia tidak terlalu bergantung kepada mereka dalam berdoa sebaliknya berusaha sendiri dengan penuh keikhlasan dalam berdoa untuk mendapatkan sesuatu daripadaNya kerana Allah menerima segala doa orang yang bersungguh-sungguh dan tidak mudah berputus asa. Dia menyembunyikan masa mustajab doa pada hari Jumaat supaya kita berusaha sepanjang harinya. Begitulah juga Allah menyembunyikan penerimaan taubat dan amalan yang telah dilakukan supaya kita sentiasa istiqamah dan ikhlas dalam beramal dan sentiasa bersegera dalam bertaubat. Demikianlah juga dengan penyembunyian malam lailatul qadar agar kita membesarkan dan menghidupkan keseluruhan malam Ramadhan dalam mendekatkan diri kepadaNya bukan hanya sekadar menunggu malam lailatu qadar sahaja untuk beribadat dan berdoa. Tetapi inilah penyakit besar yang menimpa umat Islam yang menyebabkan malam-malam Ramadhan lesu kerana mereka hanya menanti malam yang dianggap malam lailatul qadar sahaja untuk beribadat. Kerana mengejar kelebihan lailatul qadar yang mana kita tidak mengetahui masanya yang tertentu menyebabkan kita terlepas dengan kelebihan Ramadhan itu sendiri yang hanya datang setahun sekali.

Antara tanda-tanda dalam mengetahui malam lailatul qadar adalah berdasarkan beberapa hadis di bawah :
1. Abi Ibnu Ka'ab telah meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda mengenai lailatul qadar yang artinya : Sesungguhnya matahari yang keluar pada hari itu tidak begitu bercahaya (suram). - Hadis riwayat imam Muslim dalam kitab puasa -

2. Telah diriwayatkan daripada Nabi S.A.W bahawa baginda telah bersabda yang artinya : Sesungguhnya tanda-tanda lailatul qadar, bahawa malamnya bersih suci seolah-olah padanya bulan yang bersinar, tenang sunyi, tidak sejuk padanya dan tidak panas, tiada ruang bagi bintang untuk timbul sehingga subuh, dan sesungguhnya tanda-tandanya matahari pada paginya terbit sama tiada baginya cahaya seperti bulan malam purnama tidak membenarkan untuk syaitan keluar bersamanya pada hari itu. - Hadis riwayat imam Ahmad dengan isnad jayyid daripada Ibadah bin As-Somit -

3. Dalam Mu'jam At-Tobarani Al-Kabir daripada Waailah bin Al-Asqa' daripada Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang artinya : Malam lailatul qadar bersih, tidak sejuk, tidak panas, tidak berawan padanya, tidak hujan, tidak ada angin, tidak bersinar bintang dan daripada alamat siangnya terbit matahari dan tiada cahaya padanya(suram).

4. Telah meriwayat Al-Barraz dalam musnadnya daripada Ibn Abbas bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang artinya : Malam lailatul Qadar bersih tidak panas dan tidak pula sejuk.

Qadhi 'Iyad telah mengatakan ada dua pendapat mengenai matahari yang terbit tanpa cahaya iaitu:

1) Ia merupakan tanda penciptaan Allah SWT.
2) Menunjukkan bahawa kerana terlalu banyak para malaikat yang berzikir kepada Allah pada malamnya dan mereka turun ke bumi yang menyebabkan sayap-sayap dan tubuh mereka yang halus menutupi dan menghalangi matahari dan cahayanya.

Daripada hadis-hadis di atas bolehlah kita buat kesimpulan bahawa antara tanda-tanda lailatul qadar ialah :

a. Pada malamnya keadaan bersih dengan cuaca tidak sejuk dan tidak pula panas.
b. Malamnya tenang yang mana terang dan angin tidak bertiup sebagaimana biasa dan awan agak nipis.
c. Malamnya tidak turun hujan dan bintang pula tidak bercahaya seolah-olah tidak timbul.
d. Pada siangnya pula matahari terbit dalam keadaan suram.